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Comfort. Care. Hope.

Fundraising Priorities

In order to achieve the mission of Hotel Dieu Shaver to bring comfort, care and hope to every patient that comes through our doors, we require the most up-to-date equipment available.

Each year, the HDS Foundation is given a list of the most urgently needed capital equipment items from Hotel Dieu Shaver.  It is the mission of HDS Foundation to fund this list of equipment items as well as support the needs of several specialized programs in our outpatient services.

2021-2022 Fundraising Priorities:

  • Bioness Integrated Therapy System (BITS)
    Cost of $50,000
    Click Here for Info
  • Physiotherapy Equipment for Rehabilitation
    Cost of approx. $30,000
    Items include: Bariatric Adjustable Parallel Bars, Hi-Lo, and a Platform Plinth & Tissue Repair Ultrasound 
    Click Here for Info
  • Patient Equipment for Inpatient Units
    Cost of approx. $100,000
    Items include: Patient Watchmate System and a Vital Signs Monitor
    Click Here for Info
  • Rankin Family Cancer Rehab Program 
    Annual cost of $100,000
    Click Here for Info 
  • Parkinson’s Rehab Program 
    Annual Cost of $150,000
    Click Here for Info 
  • Bob Bell Staff Education Fund 
    Annual Cost of $10,000
    Click Here for Info 
  • Other Needs 
    Cost of approx. $22,000
    Items Include: Voice Analyzer System for Speech Pathology, Patient Hearing Computer System for Audiology, and a Laptop for Virtual Care

Rebuilding Lives, Renewing Hope

Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Foundation raises and manages funds for patient-care equipment, education, specialty programs, and improvements to treatment areas to support exemplary patient care at Hotel Dieu Shaver, Niagara’s Only rehabilitation and complex care hospital.

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