- Annual Pasta Dinner
- Bed & Mattress Campaign - It's more than just a bed!
- BITS Radio Ad
- Bob Bell - Celebrating 100 years!
- Bob Bell - Celebrating 100th Birthday
- Can we count on you?
- Celebrity Ice Cup
- Contact Hotel Dieu Shaver Foundation
- Donate Online
- Donate Online
- Donor Bill of Rights
- Events
- Foundation Mission & Values
- Fundraising Priorities
- Garry Coles & Kathy Milligan
- Give the Gift of Comfort. Care. Hope.
- Golf ‘Fore’ Ludzy – Buy a Golf Voucher!
- Greetings
- Greetings
- Greetings
- Greetings
- Greetings
- Greetings
- Greetings
- Greetings from HDS Foundation Executive Director
- Greetings from HDS Foundation Executive Director
- Greetings from HDS Foundation Executive Director
- Greetings from our Executive Director
- Happy New Year!
- HDS Foundation Board of Directors Under New Leadership
- HDS Staff 50/50 Pay Day Lottery!
- Homepage - Welcome
- Medication Management System
- Meet Sara Kovac
- Message from our Executive Director
- Message from our Executive Director
- News from Hotel Dieu Shaver Foundation
- #WearingIsCaring Campaign
- 15 years of giving for Royal Canadian Legion Branch 24
- 2019 Niagara Golf Marathon goes ‘Above Par’ for HDS!
- 2020-2021 Donor Impact Report
- 2021-2022 Donor Impact Report
- 2023 Tim Hortons SMILE Cookie Campaign - a HUGE success!
- 6th Annual Celebrity Ice Cup
- An Eye for Technology
- Celebrating Chuck’s 100th Birthday!
- Chuck’s Challenge Exceeds the Goal
- Congratulations Kathy & Garry!
- Daniel Lizzotti - determined to walk again
- Development Officer
- Donor Impact Report 2023/2024
- Dream realized for former HDS patient
- Executive Director Appointment
- For Gaetano Girardi - his guardian angel helped save his life!
- Foundation Donates Over $390,000 to Hotel Dieu Shaver
- Giving Voice with New Technology
- HDS Foundation receives grant from the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund and Niagara Community Foundation
- HDS Foundation Welcomes Newest Board Member, Chris Robertson
- HDS Foundation Welcomes Newest Board Member, Steve Katzman
- HDS gets its biggest donation ever
- HDS names Inpatient Building in honour of Dr. John (Jack) Luce
- HDS's post-Covid Rehabilitation Program - Avi's Story
- Honouring our Angels
- Honouring our Angels: Marilyn's Rehabilitation Journey at HDS!
- Honouring our Angels: Meet Wilma!
- Honouring our Angels: Our Healthcare Workers!
- Hospital Foundation Donates Over $514,000 to Hotel Dieu Shaver
- Hotel Dieu Shaver Thanks the Steve Ludzik Foundation for Its Support over the Years
- I'm Sherry Carson, and I have a voice
- Interview on 610 CKTB re: Hope in Motion
- Jack Sinke - Driving Forced behind the Battery-Recycling Fundraiser for HDS Foundation
- Job Posting - Development Assistant
- Job Posting - Events Coordinator
- Job Posting - Planned Giving & Fundraising Officer
- Ludzik Foundation donates $120,000 to Parkinson’s Rehab Centre
- Mayor’s Invitational Golf Tournament presents $50,000 to Hotel Dieu Shaver Health and Rehabilitation Foundation
- Meet Chuck!
- Meet Henry
- Meet John
- Meet Julie!
- Meet Kamala
- Meet Katelynn
- Meet Shawn!
- Meridian Celebrity Ice Cup Raises over $100,000
- Mountainview Homes Donates $750,000!
- MPP Bradley Announces $500,000 for Hotel Dieu Shaver Planning Grant
- New Accessible Audiology Sound Booth
- New Executive Director Appointed
- NHL Alumni Lace up their Skates for Hotel Dieu Shaver
- Ontario Investing in Hotel Dieu Shaver Expansion
- Over $130,000 Donated to Parkinson’s Rehab Centre
- Patient Comfort and Care Priority for Donor
- Remembering Bob Bell
- Saundra's Shining Moment
- Snowflakes & Angels Christmas Campaign raises over $60,000!
- Special Donation from Royal Canadian Legion Ontario Command
- Strawberry Social
- Thank You for the Generous Support!
- Thank you HCARN!
- THANK YOU to all of our 2017 Rankin Celebrity Ice Cup sponsors, players and donors! $190,000!
- The Foundation Office Has Moved
- The Healing Power of Gardening at Hotel Dieu Shaver
- Tina Clement - Grateful Patient
- Tina shares her journey to rehabilitation
- Wise Guys Charity Fund Supports Rehab Equipment at HDS!
- WMKL # Crunchers Make Generous Gift To HDS Foundation!
- YourTV Niagara's Coverage of Hope In Motion 2024
- Planned Giving
- Rankin Cancer Run 2023
- Rankin Family Cancer Rehab Program
- Rankin Family Cancer Rehab Program at HDS
- Renaming of Inpatient Building at HDS honours Dr. Jack Luce
- Seasons Greetings!
- Snowflakes & Angels Christmas Campaign - Equipment
- Technologically advanced system arrives at HDS!
- Thank You Team Hotel Dieu Shaver!
- The Foundation
- The Foundation Team
- Third Party Events
- Tim Hortons Smile Cookie Campaign!
- What is Your #MyHDSGivingStory