Meet Kamala!
In March 2024, while returning home from a relaxing family vacation, a devastating car accident changed Kamala’s life in an instant. Immediately rushed to a trauma centre in Florida, Kamala; an ER nurse and mom of two, knew her life would drastically change.
Thankfully, Kamala’s husband and two children were cleared with only soft tissue injuries. Kamala’s condition, however, was more severe. Seven days following the accident, Kamala was transferred via air ambulance to an acute care hospital in Hamilton, Ontario. She was diagnosed with bilateral humeral fracture, left tibial plateau fracture, right side fractures 7-10 ribs, left humerous (surgically repaired), T12 compression fracture, right lung contusion and a head injury on the right side.
Following an additional seven day stay at a Niagara acute care hospital, Kamala was transferred to Hotel Dieu Shaver the first week of April. When first admitted, Kamala was bed bound. She required a mechanical lift to simply sit up in her hospital bed.
Kamala faced each day at HDS with incredible determination. Once she was able to weight bare she was moved to high intensity rehab and exceeded expectations. Working with her interdisciplinary team, Kamala transitioned from bed bound to walking with no assistance in only two short months.
“I’ve always heard the best things about Hotel Dieu Shaver, but now I have experienced it first hand. It’s the best rehab facility you can go to! I give the staff a ‘gold star’ – the team work was amazing. I was impressed with the quality of care I received.” – Kamala